Hot Hatha Vinyasa
Hatha yoga is usually a slower-paced practice where poses are held for a few breaths. A Hatha class will often include breathing techniques and meditation as well as asana. In Sanskrit, “Ha” represents sun and “tha” represents moon. This alludes to the opposites in our lives, such as yin and yang, light and darkness, hard and soft, vigorous and gentle. You can expect to see both in a Hatha Yoga practice, effort and ease, calming and invigorating.
Vinyasa yoga is a creative form of yoga, no two classes are the same here at Mobility. The beauty of Vinyasa yoga is the variety. There is no standard sequence in Vinyasa yoga, so the style, pace and intensity will all vary depending on the teacher. As a philosophy, Vinyasa recognizes the temporary nature of things and in its Sanskrit meaning it means to place in a special way. We enter into a posture, are there for a while and then leave. You may feel challenged in a Vinyasa class and are always encouraged to go at your own pace and listen to your body.