All Things in Moderation

All Things in Moderation
Amber Austin
February 26, 2025
All Things in Moderation

Amber Austin


February 26, 2025


The thing about moderation, for a lot of us, is that it’s hard. Food tastes delicious. We deserve a reward for how hard we work. Stress is a huge driver of cravings and hunger. And sometimes, we just wanna eat what we wanna eat in the amounts we wanna eat it without worrying about every little thing constantly.

Because traditional “dieting” can feel so mentally draining and physiologically depriving, it’s inevitable that at some point you will overeat or binge. Of course you will. And that’s not a character flaw or a judgement, so don’t blame yourself.

It’s just Metabolism 101. Deprivation leads to overindulgence, always. Whether that’s this weekend, next week, next month or 3 months from now. And thus, the ping-pong begins: deprive to eventually binge, and then feel bad about binging so need to “tighten up” and “be better” which eventually leads back to depriving … and overindulging. Ugh.

The good thing is that when you realize this pattern, when you start to see yourself in this cycle you have a choice. You can continue to try the same thing again and again—yes, even with the BEST intentions—OR, you can decide not to beat yourself up anymore and just figure out normal, moderate, sustainable eating once and for all."


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